Acrobatic Dog-Fight was released in 1984, but would be considered new and fresh even if it was released today. The basic goal of each level is to get to the end, but the way you get there is anything but a straight line. Your plane (which can go in any direction, pulling off loop-de-loops and such at will) has a constantly depleting fuel gauge, forcing you to do one of two things: you can shoot down other planes to refill some fuel, or you can jump out of your plane and try to hijack one from an enemy. You only have a couple of parachutes, though, so you have to be careful - if you miss your shot and don't have any left, you'll go splat. If you do have a parachute (which you can earn more of by shooting down a certain number of enemies from the same wave) you'll glide down and have to face various hazards on the road while you search for a new plane. It's refreshing how open-ended the game is laid out. Although your destination lies all the way to the right of the stage, you have free reign to go wherever you pleas
Battle Shark is a first-person shooter which has the player looking through a 'periscope' in order to destroy the enemies. This game features simulated damage whenever the player gets hit by either an enemy torpedo or a missile.
Punk Shot takes up to four players to downtown NYC for some two-on-two street basketball, no referee, no rules. The opposing two-man teams face off for a match played in four quarters (2 to 5 minutes each), on improvised courts in 3 different locations: the alley, the park, and the harbor.
Naturally, it ain't just about being cool and shooting some b-ball outside of the school: on each side you have a couple of guys who are up to no good, with a constant enthusiasm for making trouble in the neighborhood. As such, Punk Shot joyfully turns basketball into a full-contact sport - heads will be bashed, noses punched, and private parts kicked. To top it off, each court features an assortment of environmental hazards, from slippery banana peels and having your butt set on fire, to the park dogs and their special taste for pants.
Once again an evil madman has the world to ramson involving nuclear warheads, and it's up to one man (or two if playing with a friend) to fight and shoot his Goons over various locations to get to the madman's complex on an island in the middle of the ocean and stop him once and for all. In a homage to James Bond, S.P.Y. Special Project Y has a variety of game styles over various levels which need completing to complete your mission.
You start off flying a Jet-Pack over the ocean from a 3rd person perspective flying into the screen towards the island with the baddies coming towards you. You have a gun but can get icons to upgrade your gun. There are Hang-Gliders and a huge Helicopter to contend with as well before landing on the island and onto the next stage which the game then becomes a Beat -em-up. You view the action from the side as the game scrolls horizontally as you move from left to right. Baddies come at you from all sides and you kick or throw them. Baddies with guns will drop their weapons which you
A wrestling game where the player uses different grappling techniques to defeat opponents and climb the championship ladder. When the fighter sustains enough hits, he becomes angry and powers- up to inflict more damage upon the opponent.
Legend of Makai is an action/adventure platformer based in a fantasy setting. The player controls a young warrior whose quest is to rescue a princess from an evil wizard. The warrior starts off with only a sword, but can purchase other weapons and magical items from shops. The gameplay consists finding one's way through non-linear levels, using keys to open doors and killing or avoiding various enemies. The player has a fixed amount of time to complete each level.
Semicom's second pure mini game collection relies on quick and simple challenges in the same vein as Bishi Bashi, borrowing its input scheme of three colored buttons. Seventeen games in four tears wait for their completion, ranging from boring stuff like "find the differing image" or "choose the right exit from the labyrinth", to more inventive tasks where the player evades Gozilla's stomping feet or performs magic tricks in form of button combinations.
The presentation is nothing to write home about. Everything looks distinctively low budget, especially the narrow color range leaves a rather weird impression.
Race a motorcycle against other bikes, cars, trucks and the obligatory tight time limit. Racing Hero is the spiritual successor both to Sega's wonderful "Hang-On" series, and to their most famous racing game, "Out Run".
Some of Racing Hero's stages mirrored the racing-through-traffic gameplay of the Ferrari-based racer, for example perhaps the biggest similarity to Out Run is that at the end of each stage, the player can choose which route he or she wishes to take next. This differs somewhat from "Out Run"'s highly impressive forked-road method. In Racing Hero, the player is presented with a seperate stage-select screen and simply highlights the flag of whichever country they wish to tackle next.
Slipstream is a sprite-based Formula One racing game featuring four different race tracks; Germany, Japan, Australia and the obligatory Monaco.
players can chose to race in any one of eight different F-1 racing cars, with each offering different levels of handling, acceleration, speed and grip. The game also offers three different play modes; Time Trial (raced over a single course), World Championship (raced over all four courses) and Time Trial (also raced over all four courses).
Each car has a basic high and low gear. Also, as the player races the course, a 'Turbo' meter builds up. The Turbo will occasionally kick in and give the player's car a temporary speed boost. Rival cars are also able to turbo-boost.
An abstract take on the 3d racing genre, Tropical Angel puts the player in control of a female water-skier who must dodge the many rocks that protrude from the water while attempting to steer through a set number of gates - in the form of a pair of flags - before the time limit expires. The acceleration button needs to be held down all the time while the 'trick' button makes the water-skiing girl spin through one-eighty degrees and proceed to ski backwards. The player cannot steer while traveling backwards, but will earn bonus points for the duration of the trick. As the game progresses, small ramps, buoys and sharks come into play. The small ramps can be jumped to add to the player's score, although they're always in difficult to reach locations. The buoys are usually very close together, but skiing between them earns bonus points. Finally, the shark will appear from time-to-time, running into it means game over, regardless of how much time the player has left.
A top-down, vertical scrolling racing game in the style of other rally games. The route consists of three stages with a variety of obstacles including tight turns, accidents on the highway and oncoming traffic. Rival cars perform special attacks including smoke clouds and spraying oil slicks on the road.
A brand new coin-op video amusement game the Cross Pang which more often called Toads’ Raid depicts a folk tale of an ancient kingdom clearing through national threat imposed by toadstools suddenly sprouted and proliferated rapidly over the kingdom disastrously.
Noticing that toadstols shaped in beads of seven different colors burst up to perish when four of a color are flocked together, the royalty ordered the subject to flock them by colors thus to save the nation.
Repetition of perishing four beads for preset number of times advances the player to next stage, stage by stage in likewise manner, towards the final goal of 50th stage to complete a game. In case the player fails to stop beads piling up to reach the ceiling for set length of a time, the game becomes automatically over.